Categories for Moving

Don’t Want to List Your House Due To COVID-19?

Here are some things you can do during quarantine so that when the time does come, you are ready to pop that home on the market!     Clean   Now I know with the virus outbreak, giving the old home a thorough scrub has probably been done 100 times by ...

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What To Look For When Viewing An Older Home

If you are like me, you love an older home. The older the better for me! (Well, in most cases).  Plus buying an older home has many rewards. Beautiful architecture, lots of character, and those special features that you can’t find in any other property (Laundry chutes! Sliding doors! Original ...

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How To Show Your Home With Pets

Our Home is on the Market!  But wait…what do we do about Snowball?   Don’t worry! Follow my tips below, and not only will both you and your pet find having your home for sale less stressful, it may sell for more money! Before the Showing  Clean out Cages and ...

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To DIY Or Not To DIY?

We’ve all been there- binge watched 1000+ hours of HGTV and think we can do anything around our house. Or even watched many YouTube videos and think “pfft, that looks easy, I could do that!” only to discover- No, that really should have been left to the pros. So what ...

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